MAG Professional Brand Guidelines

Welcome to MAG’s professional brand guidelines!

Dive into our Full Service Amazon Agency‘s identity guide to discover the imagery, colors, logos, language, and recommended practices that define our brand.

Integrating these elements cohesively enhances our brand essence, values, and communication methods.

Strategic use of these elements can elevate your brand presence and success on Amazon!

Download the PDF here.

My Amazon Guy Logo

  • Its sleek design reflects our commitment to guiding clients through the complexities of the Amazon marketplace.
  • With clean lines and bold typography, the logo instills trust and confidence, establishing us as a top choice for maximizing success on Amazon.

Logo Definition

  • Area of Non-Interference: Place the logo away from competing visuals to ensure optimal impact.
  • Minimum Size: The logo should be reproduced at a minimum width of .75 inches or 54 pixels wide for online use.
  • Variations: Maintain consistent appearance; avoid stretching, condensing, or altering colors.

Color Palette

  • Primary Colors: Burnt Sienna, Shakespeare, Gold 
  • Secondary Colors: Use these colors to complement the primary colors in designs.


  • Primary Typeface: Manrope Normal
  • Secondary Typeface: Roboto Normal
  • Use Manrope for its modern aesthetic, versatility, readability, and accessibility features.
  • Utilize Roboto for its contemporary look, adaptability, and wide range of font styles.


  • Authenticity & Storytelling: Infuse photography with fresh ideas and stay true to brand values.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Emphasize diversity, inclusivity, and urban landscape.


  • Reflecting Core Values: Develop iconography to visually articulate our brand’s values, services, and aspirations.
  • Simplicity & Clarity: Adhere to principles of symbolism, consistency, simplicity, adaptability, and scalability.

Ready To Get Your Brand Kit?

Sign up for our Brand Guidelines Essential or Professional Kit!