Remove Hijackers Internationally, which starts working within 24 hours of order using the serial number.
Note: If you are looking for Brand Registry in under 7 days in North America, please order a US TM instead. Only pending US TMs can gain Brand Registry this fast.
$400 + International Application TM Fee: Includes CIPO filing fee, TM research, and any follow up communication.
*Eligible for US Residence Only
1,250+ Trademarks filed
~ Jerry M
We make it easy.
Complete our quick questionnaire to begin the process. Submit an image of your name or logo mark, if applicable.
We’ll conduct a search to make sure your trademark isn’t too similar to existing trademarks or already in use. Then, we’ll compile your official application.
Once your trademark application is correctly completed and signed, we’ll file it for you!
See how people like you grew their brands on Amazon.
Need more help? Contact us with anY questions or concerns.
We highly recommend word mark. It’s easier and cleaner and best for Amazon. Sometimes Amazon will interpret a design logo mark with slightly different punctuation or spacing. But a word mark gets exact match every time.
We can file both a Word and a Logo mark for you for an additional $850 if of interest.
Some companies use both a distinctive brand name and logo, so they decide to trademark both. This can be advantageous for certain brands, but both the brand name and the logo would require separate filing, which means double the fees. For this reason, many companies feel that filing a trademark for just their company name provides enough protection.
We can file both a Word and a Logo mark for you for an additional $850 if of interest.
We run a direct-hit trademark search to make sure that your trademark is not already in use. This saves you the money and trouble of filing and being rejected for “likelihood of confusion”, meaning that your mark is too similar or even identical to an existing trademark. Please be aware that our trademark search is a direct-hit search, and not a comprehensive search.
It can take 12+ months before your trademark is officially registered but can be immediately used on Amazon. You should receive your initial response from the CIPO within 3 months. You can speed up the process by making sure your application is accurate and responding promptly to any office actions sent to you by the CIPO. Amazon recently started allowing brands to get their brand registry faster with a Pending Trademark and you no longer have to wait until final approval.
You are purchasing a TM from us to do a search on the CIPO, file the mark, get you quick serial number, and then you can file brand registry and complete it in under 7 days. After the TM is on the principal registry, our work is done and managing your TM following the filing is your obligation. If the CIPO requests an action prior to the mark being accepted on the principal registry we will action it on your behalf.
Legally you need to have an item available for sale, and your brand name in use, to file on the principal registry with the CIPO.
For Amazon Brand Registry requirements we’ve seen the ability to place a sticker on an item with a brand name affixed.
It is ideal if you also have a website page with the item listed (on or off Amazon).
You must have a TM application on file and we will verify whether it will be successful or not.
The opposition is $1000 for preparation and filing, with an additional $600 official fee.
The moment you have a product with packaging that has the logo on it. You want to reserve the name to protect it. But you also need a cell phone picture of said item to file the TM easily.
Reach us at +1 470-623-1951 Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST.