Marketplace Setup: Next Steps

Thanks for your order. Below are the next steps & client responsibilities to get started with your setup.

Client Responsibilities:

Once your account is created, please send your credentials to

Below are steps that will guide you in applying to your desired marketplace.

A woman in marketing management is using a calculator to calculate a graph for the marketplace.

How to Apply:

If you chose to sell on the marketplace, you will need to submit an application to Walmart.

  1. Go to
  2. Click apply.
  3. You will need the following items as shown on the screenshot below:

Walmart application 1

  • US Business Tax ID (SSN not accepted)
  • W9 or W8 and EIN Verification Letter from the Department of Treasury that verifies your US business address or place of physical operations
  • US Business address
  • Planned integration method for your product catalog (bulk uploadAPIsolution provider)
  • Primary product categories, catalog size and related information (e.g. total SKUs you will be selling on initially with verified UPC information, and used vs. refurbished etc.)
  • Please note that you must put your yearly revenue over one million dollars, for Walmart to approve the application. They do not verify the information, but you must enter this number or above, otherwise your application will be denied.
  • Once you finish your application please let us know. We will need your username and password, and we can launch your products on the marketplace. (Or assist in doing so).

As always please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

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