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My Amazon Guy

Terms and Conditions

MAG Growth LLC Referral Program

  1. Introduction
    Welcome to the MAG Growth LLC Referral Program. By participating in this program, you agree to the following terms and conditions. MAG Growth LLC (“Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) is located in Georgia, USA, and operates under the trade name My Amazon Guy.

  2. Eligibility
    To participate in the Referral Program, participants must agree to these terms, which become part of the MAG Growth LLC Policy. The program is open to individuals and organizations that can form legally binding contracts under applicable law.

  3. Referral Commission
    • Website Orders: Participants will earn a commission of 10% on direct website orders placed by referred clients to MAG Growth LLC.
    • Ongoing Client Contracts: Participants will earn an ongoing commission of 10% for monthly retainers received from referred clients for the life of the deal, as long as the client remains active with MAG Growth LLC.

  4. Referral Process
    • Registration: Participants must register through the provided referral registration form and agree to these terms and conditions.
    • Process Adherence: To receive credit for referrals, participants must follow the referral processes set forth by My Amazon Guy. Details of the referral process will be provided upon registration and must be adhered to strictly to ensure proper tracking and credit of referrals.

  5. Payment of Commissions
    • Commission Payment: Commissions are paid on a monthly basis and are subject to any applicable withholding or taxes as per local laws.
    • Tracking: Commissions are only paid on transactions that are verified and confirmed by the Company’s tracking system.
    • Disputes: Any disputes over commission payments must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the payment date.

  6. Term and Termination
    • Term: These terms will commence upon your acceptance of the terms and continue until terminated by either you or MAG Growth LLC.
    • Termination: You or MAG Growth LLC may terminate this agreement at any time with written notice. Upon termination, any unpaid commissions accrued will be paid out in the next payment cycle.

  7. Miscellaneous
    • Amendments: These terms may be amended by MAG Growth LLC at any time. If we make changes that materially affect your rights, we will notify you by email or through our website.
    • Indemnification: Participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless MAG Growth LLC and its employees, directors, and agents from any claims arising from their participation in the Referral Program.

  8. Governing Law
    These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia, United States.