How to Set Up Inventory Quantity Alerts on Amazon Seller Central

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

How to Set Up Inventory Quantity Alerts on Amazon Seller Central

  1. Log into Seller Central
  1. Hover over the Inventory tab and select Manage FBA Inventory
A screen shot of the Amazon Seller Central page showcasing the marketing management services offered by My Amazon Guy.
  1. Select which listings that you want to set up replenishment alerts for
A screenshot of the Amazon Seller Central inventory page showcasing marketing management.
  1. Click on ‘Action on # selected’, then click on ‘set replenishment alerts’, Click on ‘Yes, continue’
  1. On this page you will select when do you want to be alerted with two options: When fulfillable quantity reaches (Units) or When Weeks-of-Cover reaches (Weeks)

    When fulfillable quantity reaches (Units): Use this if you want to be notified whenever your quantity reaches that number.

    When Weeks-of Cover reaches (Weeks): Use this if you want to be notified when you want to take into account of how many weeks it would take for the product to reach Amazon’s fulfillment center.
A screenshot of a screen showing a list of search results on Amazon marketplace.
  1. Click save and you are set!

    Tips: The gold bell will indicate that alerts are set up for that listing but the alert threshold has not been reached. The red bell indicates when your alert threshold for that product has been reached. Ex. In this case, we’ve set up our alert threshold to notify us when it hits 20 and below. Row 4 in the image is showing that this product has passed the 20 we’ve set. </blockquote
A screenshot of a phone displaying a number for marketplace.

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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