Essential Helium 10 Tools To Unlock Full Sales Potential

Are you ready to take your Amazon sales to the next level?

Discover how our Amazon FBA Agency uses Helium 10 tools to unlock your full sales potential!

Helium 10 is one of our favorite tools here at My Amazon Guy. As a leading Amazon FBA agency, we suite of powerful Helium 10 tools to drive success for our clients. 

We use these tools in various processes as we manage our clients’ Seller Central accounts, making sure their listings have maximum visibility, traffic, and revenue.

Helium 10 Product Research Tool: Xray

It’s the flagship tool within the Helium 10 Chrome extension and provides in-depth product information on Amazon search result pages.

Success Score Setup

X-ray allows setting custom filters based on factors like estimated revenue and review count to identify potentially profitable products.

Data Provided

X-ray displays various data points for each product, including:

  • Search volume
  • Estimated monthly sales
  • Revenue
  • Bestseller Rank (BSR)
  • Reviews
  • FBA fees
  • Seller information

Helium 10’s Xray Keywords feature is a valuable tool for Amazon sellers and for us here at our Amazon FBA agency.

This feature provides a list of high-volume search keywords, which can be particularly helpful in identifying competitors for new-to-market or super-niche products with limited competition.

To use this method effectively, we start by selecting either your product or a high-performing competitor product.

To use this method effectively, we start by selecting either your product or a high-performing competitor product.

Finally, our Amazon FBA agency team members use these keywords to conduct a targeted search for other relevant competitors within the same category.

Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout

Helium 10 Keyword Research Tool: Cerebro

Function: Analyzes competitor products to discover keywords they rank for.


  • Helps sellers understand what keywords their competitors are targeting.
  • Provides insights into competitor strategies, including organic ranking and PPC advertising.
  • Identifies opportunities for sellers to improve their own listings by targeting relevant keywords.

Our Amazon FBA agency uses Cerebro to help our clients:

  • Improve keyword research: By understanding what keywords competitors rank for, we can identify new target keywords for their listings.
  • Optimize listing content: By incorporating relevant keywords into titles, descriptions, and bullet points, we improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.

Develop informed PPC advertising strategies: By analyzing competitor PPC data, this Helium 10 tool offers insights into which keywords competitors are bidding on and how much they are spending.

Watch this video where Steven Pope, an Amazon expert and founder of our Amazon FBA agency, shows the role that Helium 10 plays in our keyword research process.

Helium 10 Keyword Research Tool: Magnet

Our Amazon FBA Agency uses this Helium 10 Magnet Tool for:

  1. Finding loosely related keywords: Magnet suggests keywords related to a seed keyword, potentially revealing new product opportunities.
  2. Analyzing top-level information for multiple keywords: Analyze up to 200 keywords simultaneously to see search volume, trends, and title density.
  3. Identifying common root words: Uncover frequently used root words within a group of keywords, providing insights into the niche and valuable keywords.
  4. Finding long-tail keywords with a specific root: Filter searches to show keywords containing a desired root word (e.g., “coffin”), helping discover long-tail variations.
  5. Identifying keywords for PPC campaigns: Filter searches based on match types (e.g., “phrase”) to see which keywords might appear in a PPC campaign targeting specific combinations.
  6. Finding trending keywords: Sort keywords by search volume trend to identify keywords with a recent surge in searches.
  7. Checking search volume on other platforms: View search volume data from Walmart and Google Trends alongside Amazon.
  8. Identifying niches with low product dominance: Analyze brand analytics (paid feature) to find keywords where the top sellers capture a small portion of sales, indicating an opportunity for new entrants.

Helium 10 Keyword Research Tool: Mispellinator


  • A tool designed to find misspelled variations of keywords.
  • Claimed benefit: Increased sales and easier competition through targeting misspelled keywords.

Key functionalities

  • Identifies misspelling variations: Analyzes keywords and provides a list of commonly misspelled versions.
  • Displays misspelling popularity: Shows the percentage of times a specific misspelling is used in searches.
  • New feature: Automatically checks if Amazon corrects the misspelling to the original keyword.

Customers often misspell words while searching, creating an opportunity to capture those searches with less competition.

Our Amazon FBA agency specialists use Misspelled Keywords when filling alt text fields of images in A+ content.

Helium 10 Listing Optimization Tool: Frankenstein

A Keyword Refinement Tool:

While Cerebro provides a vast list of keywords related to your product, not all are equally valuable. Helium 10 Frankenstein helps refine this list by focusing on highly relevant and strategic options.

Why Frankenstein is Valuable:

  • Prioritizing relevant keywords based on search frequency.
  • Identifying the most popular search terms.
  • Tailoring the list by removing brand names or including specific details.

In essence, Frankenstein acts as a refinement tool within the broader keyword research process our Amazon FBA agency specialists conduct. It filters large lists, prioritizes valuable options, and frees you to focus on high-impact keywords for organic traffic and sales.

Helium 10 Listing Optimization Tool: Scribbles

Key functionalities

  • Keyword Management:
    • Organize and prioritize keywords based on search volume and relevance.
    • Track how many times a keyword is used throughout the listing.
  • Listing Creation:
    • Draft product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and search terms.
    • Utilize features like automatic character counting and emoji integration.

Benefits for an Amazon FBA agency:

  • Saves Time: Streamlines the listing creation process by automating tasks.
  • Improves Keyword Targeting: Helps strategically incorporate relevant keywords throughout the listing.
  • Enhances Listing Optimization: Ensures optimal use of character limits and adherence to best practices.

Helium 10 is not just a tool—it’s a key ally in our mission to help Amazon sellers succeed. By leveraging the power of Helium 10, we can optimize listings, track competitors, and streamline operations, all of which are crucial for driving sales on Amazon. If you’re looking to maximize your sales on Amazon, our Amazon FBA agency offers a full-service management solution to help achieve this goal.