Understanding the Amazon Inventory Index – The Magic Score of 350

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

Amazon Inventory Index

amazon inventory index

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about whether inventory will be limited, and when the magic date comes into effect for FBA inventory limitations. With the new FBA Inventory Storage Limits, if your Inventory Performance Index is less than 350 for six weeks before the end of a quarter you will be notified of your potential storage limits. If your score is still less than 350 on the final day of the quarter, the limits will apply for the next quarter. This means that your score of less than 350 for six consecutive weeks before the current quarter ends and at the end of the current quarter will have a limited storage.

In order for your FBA Inventory Storage Limits to be unlimited, you may need to maintain your score of 350 or greater than for standard-size, oversize, apparel, and footwear items. You will only have storage limits if your Inventory Performance Index score is less than 350 six weeks before the end of the current quarter and on the last day of the current quarter. In this example, you would not have storage limits if your score is more than 350 first score check which is six weeks before the quarter ended or the final score check.

Quarterly storage limits are based on 1) your sales volume, 2) your historical Inventory Performance Index scores, and 3) available fulfillment center capacity. Sellers with consistently higher scores will receive higher storage limits, adjusted for sales volume and available capacity. When setting limits for an upcoming quarter, both your recent sales volume and seasonal volume from the last year are considered.

Seller Central Help File: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/GXLRKWL8L5BMSHWB?referral=A3TI3F8839JJFF_A2VMNEEYCY3YGZ

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Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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