What are Platinum Keywords on Amazon Seller Central?

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

How to Find Platinum Keywords?

 To access the platinum keywords, follow the steps below:
1. Go to your Seller Central Home Page. 
2. Hover over Inventory and then Click Manage Inventory. 
3.  Next click edit listing on the listing you would like to find the platinum keywords for. amazon defaults on the offer tab, be sure to navigate over to the keywords tab as shown below. 

4. You will find Platinum Keywords on this page. 

Platinum Keywords

Are Platinum Keywords Relevant?

No. This is because this feature is for platinum merchants only. This program was designed for platinum merchants to get better serviceability within their Amazon Storefronts. Platinum merchants do not exist any longer on the Amazon platform. This program was discontinued years ago. There will be no harm done if terms are filled in though. 

Significant Takeaways:

  • Platinum Keywords do not have an impact on your search-ability, SEO, or seller account. 
  • Be sure to make the most out of your search terms field. Do not include commas, duplication, etc. Use this field for misspellings, broad references to your product, Spanish, etc. 
  • The other search term fields such as Subject Matter, Other Attributes, Target Audience, etc. have limited impact, so we do recommend entering terms into these fields as well. 
  • There are great tools such as Helium 10 that help get great back end search terms. Link to Helium 10 is below. 
  • https://www.helium10.com/?crsh_reqid=642269&aid=427

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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