Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC Campaigns: What Sellers Need to Know

Noah Wickham, Sales Director - My Amazon Guy

Are you planning on using Amazon brand elements in your PPC ads? Before you do, read this and learn about the Amazon brand usage guidelines for PPC campaigns to avoid ad disapprovals or account issues.

Amazon is a powerful platform for sellers because of its credibility and massive customer base. For this reason, many businesses sell on Amazon to reach customers who already trust the marketplace.

However, some sellers take this too far by incorrectly using Amazon’s logos, brand colors, or trademarked terms in their PPC ads. While using Amazon brand elements is allowed and a great way to build trust with potential buyers, it can also lead to serious policy violations if not done correctly.

That is why, to help you out, our Amazon agency made this guide, which covers everything you need to know about Amazon brand elements, the guidelines for using them in Amazon PPC campaigns, and the consequences of not complying with these policies. 

Table of Contents

Understanding Amazon Brand Elements

Like any major brand, Amazon has trademarked its brand elements to maintain its identity and ensure consistent usage across its platform. Amazon enforces strict policies to protect its brand integrity that all sellers must follow, including those running Amazon PPC campaigns.

While these brand elements can enhance your ads by increasing trust and recognition among potential buyers, improper use can lead to compliance issues. That’s why it’s essential to learn about all these brand elements.

Amazon Call-to-Actions

Amazon has trademarked several call-to-action (CTA) phrases that sellers must use correctly to stay compliant with its policies. These CTAs are designed to guide shoppers toward specific actions on the platform, and unauthorized variations are not allowed:

  • Shop now at
  • Shop now
  • Add to Cart
  • Add to Wish List
  • Clip coupon
  • Pre-order now
  • Learn more
  • See more
  • See details
  • Watch now

Amazon Brand Phrases

Amazon also has proprietary phrases tied to key features and promotions on its platform. Sellers must follow Amazon’s brand guidelines when referencing these terms in ads or Amazon listings to ensure proper usage:

  • Deal of the Day
  • Today’s Deals
  • Subscribe & Save
  • Super Saver Shipping
  • Wish List
  • Gold Box
  • Look Inside the Book
  • One Click Install
  • Amazon’s Choice

Amazon Brand Imagery

Amazon maintains a distinct visual identity through its logos, buttons, and other brand imagery, ensuring a consistent shopping experience across the platform. Below are some of the brand imagery used:

Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Amazon Logo
Amazon Brand Logo
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Amazon's Best Seller Badge
Amazon's Best Seller Badge
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Amazon's Choice Badge
Amazon's Choice Badge

Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC Campaigns

Sellers can use the Amazon platform’s brand elements in their PPC campaigns, but only when following specific guidelines. Adhering to these policies ensures that your ads align with the standards, helping to maintain brand integrity while avoiding potential disapprovals or account penalties.

Based on Amazon’s policies, here are the key guidelines sellers must follow:

Amazon Text Standards

Amazon has specific rules for how its brand name and text elements should appear in PPC ads. Adhering to these standards ensures your campaigns remain compliant while maintaining a professional and credible look.

1. Amazon Text Standards

  • The word “Amazon” must always be written in the title case.
  • It should not appear in all lowercase or uppercase.
Approved Not Approved

2. Typeface and Sizing

  • Amazon Text Link CTAs must use Frutiger 57 Condensed at 11.5 pt for small applications.
  • For large applications, use Frutiger 67 Condensed at 14 pt for consistency.
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Amazon Typography Guideline
Amazon's Typography Guideline

3. Graphical Styling

  • The underline should not touch descender letters like “g” or “y.”
  • There must be one pixel of clear space on either side of each descender.

4. Color Guidelines

  • The CTA can be any color, but all elements (arrow, text, underline) must share the same base color.
  • The CTA should complement the ad’s design and stand out for visibility.
  • The underline and arrow should have 70% opacity of the text color.

5. ".com" Usage

  • While “Amazon” is preferred, “” can also be used in CTA text links.
  • This applies to various domains like,,,, and

Amazon Branded Buttons

Because the look and feel of Amazon buttons are an integral aspect of the overall brand, they are not allowed for use as advertisement CTA statements. The exception to this is the use of Amazon-branded buttons in eCommerce ads like “Add to Cart”, “Add to Wish List”, “Shop Now”, and “Clip Coupon”.

1. Preventing Customer Confusion

  • To avoid confusion between the site and advertisements, branded buttons are not allowed.
  • Advertisers must use advertiser-branded buttons or Amazon text links instead.

2. CTA Accuracy

  • Non-specific or inaccurate CTAs are not allowed.
  • The CTA must clearly reflect the actions customers will take.
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Ad Button Allowed
Example of Approved Button
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Ad Button Not Allowed
Example of Not Approved Button

Amazon Logos and Imagery Guidelines

Amazon allows sellers to use specific logos and imagery in their PPC campaigns, but strict guidelines must be followed. While some brand marks are prohibited, the “available at Amazon” logo is permitted under certain conditions.

1. Amazon Brand Marks

  • The Amazon logo and Smile mark cannot be used in third-party ads linking to Amazon unless explicitly approved by Amazon.
  • Sellers must submit usage examples to their Amazon account representative for approval.
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - The Amazon Logo
The Amazon Logo
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - The Smile Symbol
The Amazon Smile Symbol

2. Guidelines for the "Available at Amazon" Logo

General Usage

  • Sellers can use the “available at Amazon” logo in ads without approval.
  • The logo must be in white or squid ink, whichever provides better legibility.

Regional Logos

  • Localized versions of the “available at Amazon” logo are available for various countries.
  • Sellers should download the correct version for their target market.
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - The Available at Amazon Logo
Available at Amazon Logo

3. Branding on and off Amazon

  • Ads placed on should not use the “available at Amazon” logo.
  • Ads placed off Amazon can feature the “available at Amazon” logo or a text link CTA.
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Using the Available at Amazon on Amazon
Available at Amazon Usage Onsite
Amazon Brand Usage Guideline for PPC - Using the Available at Amazon off Amazon
Available at Amazon Usage Offsite

4. Small Space Adjustments

  • If the “available at Amazon” logo is too small to read, sellers may typeset “Available at Amazon” in their own font.
  • The logo should be used unless space limitations make it unreadable.

5. Size and Spacing Requirements

Minimum Size

  • Stacked Logo: 0.75 inches (print), 90 px (1x screens), 180 px (2x screens).
  • Horizontal Logo: 1.4 inches (print), 140 px (1x screens), 280 px (2x screens).

Clear Space

  • Maintain clear space around the logo, proportional to the Amazon lettering height.
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Amazon Stacked Logo Spacing
Stacked Logo Spacing Requirements
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Amazon Horizontal Logo Spacing
Horizontal Logo Spacing Requirements

6. Prohibited Logo Modifications

Using the “available at Amazon” logo correctly helps sellers maintain credibility while staying compliant. 

Do Not:

  • Re-create or outline the artwork.
  • Distort, rotate, or change proportions.
  • Remove elements or modify colors.
  • Add extra elements or place them over low-contrast or busy backgrounds.
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Removing Elements on the Logo
Removing the Elements on the Logo
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Modifying the Text on the Logo
Modifying the Text on the Logo

Subscribe & Save Guidelines for PPC Campaigns

The Subscribe & Save program allows sellers to encourage repeat purchases by offering discounts on eligible products through subscription-based orders. To maximize visibility and compliance in advertising, Amazon provides specific guidelines for using the Subscribe & Save logos in their Amazon PPC campaigns.

1. Permitted Logos

  • Sellers can use either the Subscribe & Save logo or the Subscribe & Save badge logo in their ads.
  • No formal approval is required to use these logos.
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Subscribe and Save Logo
Subscribe & Save Logo
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Subscribe and Save Badge Logo
Subscribe & Save Badge Logo

2. Onsite vs. Offsite Usage

  • Use the Subscribe & Save logo for onsite ads (Amazon’s platform).
  • Use the Subscribe & Save badge logo for offsite ads (external platforms directing traffic to Amazon).

3. Color Options

  • The logos are available in two colors: white and squid ink (black).
  • Choose the color option that ensures the best contrast and legibility.

4. Download Availability

  • Logos and localized versions can be downloaded for multiple regions.
  • Ensure that the correct version is used for targeted regions.

5. Clear Space Requirements

  • Maintain a clear space of 1/8 of the logo’s height around the Subscribe & Save logo to avoid clutter.
  • The clear space should scale proportionally when resizing the logo.
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Subscribe and Save Logo Spacing
Subscribe & Save Logo Space Requirements
Amazon Brand Usage Guidelines for PPC - Subscribe and Save Badge Stacked Spacing
Subscribe & Save Badge Logo Space Requirements

6. Minimum Size Guidelines

  • The Subscribe & Save logo must be at least 32 px high for 1x resolution screens or 64 px for 2x resolution screens.
  • The Subscribe & Save badge logo must be at least 0.75 inches wide for print, 90 px for 1x screens, or 180 px for 2x screens.
  • The horizontal badge logo must be at least 210 px for 1x screens or 420 px for 2x screens.

Consequences of Amazon Brand Usage Violation

Failing to follow Amazon’s brand usage guidelines in PPC ads, whether intentional or not, can lead to serious consequences. According to Amazon, sellers may face the following:

  • Ad Disapprovals: Non-compliant PPC ads may be rejected, preventing them from running.
  • Account Warnings: Repeated violations can result in warnings that may impact your advertising privileges.
  • Trademark Usage Termination: Amazon can revoke any license you have to use its trademarks, preventing you from using them in future advertising materials.
  • Suspension: In severe cases, Amazon may resort to giving a seller an account suspension.
  • Legal Action: Unauthorized use of Amazon’s trademarks may result in legal action, including lawsuits and financial penalties.
  • Reputation Damage: Violations can harm your credibility, making it harder to do business with Amazon and other companies.

Ensuring Compliance with Amazon Brand Guidelines in PPC Campaigns

Following the Amazon brand usage guidelines for PPC campaigns is essential for maintaining compliance and avoiding potential penalties. Proper use of the Amazon brand elements not only ensures your ads run smoothly but also helps build trust with customers.

Ignoring these rules can lead to serious consequences, including legal action and damage to your reputation. By adhering to Amazon’s policies, you can create effective, compliant ads that drive sales without risking your account.

Need help ensuring your PPC campaigns stay compliant with Amazon’s brand guidelines? Reach out to our full-service Amazon agency for expert guidance and support!

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Noah Wickham, Sales Director - My Amazon Guy

Noah Wickham, Sales Director

Hi, I’m Noah, Brand Director at My Amazon Guy. Our mission is to drive profitable growth and success for our clients.  Accelerate eCommerce growth through our PPC, SEO, design, and catalog optimization expertise.

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