How to Contact Unauthorized Sellers

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

Ask Unauthorized Sellers To Stop Selling On Your Listing By Following These Steps.

A person typing on their laptop while managing their Amazon Seller Central.
Amazon listing with seller central management for a product at a price in the marketplace.

On the Product Display Page (PDP), Select the name after “Sold By” located under the Buy Box.

A screenshot of Amazon's marketplace debug page.

Located typically at the Top-Center Right of the next page, select “Ask a question.”

Learn how to add a text message to your Amazon account with the help of My Amazon Guy, an expert in marketplace account management.

Within Seller Messaging Assistant, select “An item for sale.”

A screenshot of the Amazon chat page with an arrow pointing to it, showcasing exceptional customer support offered by marketplace sellers.

When prompted for which you need help with, select “Other.”

A screenshot of a conversation between two people discussing Seller Central management on an online marketplace.

Be sure to include the product name and ASIN and type your request in the provided text field. 

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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