NEW Amazon 2020 Ad Image Sponsored Brands – Cheaper BIG IMAGES

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert


A new low cost method to boost sales, spread brand awareness, and increase sales on your account. 

Sponsored Brands – Custom Image Campaign

Sponsored Brands is an advertising method for brand registered Amazon accounts, such as yours. Sponsored Brands are Amazon ads that feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and up to three of your products. Sponsored Brands appear in search results to help drive discovery of your brand. A custom headline with custom messaging will help shoppers see your brand the way you want it to be seen. These Sponsored Brands ads will help your products be placed on the top of the search page. 

Our Method: 

With Sponsored Brands, we have a particular method in which we will set-up your campaign. 

  • We will add a custom logo to the advertisement for your brand.
  • We will use the new “Custom Image” cover, which takes up more real estate to your brand ad, especially on the Amazon mobile website.  Please see examples below. Brand Ads are a great low cost way to engage customers and increase sales. 
  • Example Brand Ad without Custom Image:
img 5e79628cd41ee
  • Example Brand Ad with Custom Image: (274 pixels taller of screen space is taken up)
img 5e79628e8f5ef

compare side by side for scale:

img 5e796290568af
img 5e796292ef2e5


  • Finally we will make the ads target relevant product areas such as:
    • Keywords
    • Product Category
    • Competitor ASINs
    • Allow amazon to show the most relevant products from your landing page in your ad.

Why Has My Amazon Guy not Already Done this?

  • In previous history, Brand Advertising has typically had a higher cost of advertising with somewhat disappointing results.
  • However, the Product Image has been a game changer. We have tested this method on several of our client accounts with great success, in the way of low cost clicks and conversions. 

Please let us know if there is a particular picture you would like to use for your brand advertising, or if you have any questions or concerns. 

Standard Operating Procedure for Setting up Sponsored Brands Custom Images

  1. Go to Amazon Seller Central.
  2. Go to Campaign Manager 
  3. Click Create Campaign
  4. Select a Sponsored Brands Campaign
  5. Let’s start with a low budget. ($15 to start)
  6. If a company has more than 3 products, select the new product list page and add the top 5 selling products to the landing page. If a company has less than three products Select the Amazon Store Page. Target the Page which has the top selling product (if there are sub pages). 
  7. Add a Logo. 
  8. Add a Headline. (Make sure the headline is generic and catchy, not product oriented.)  For example, for Momstir I would use “Momstir Moments” as the headline title, with the image of women drinking. (See image below)
img 5e79629522a1b
  1. Be sure to add a logo for the company (find assets in Google drive). 
  2. Check the custom image box. Be sure to add an image which is engaging. (Do not add a picture of a product bottle for example) Make sure it is a live human shot as shown above, good eye contact, something engaging and catchy. If you need help look to the listings, or email one of us to get assets from the client. 
  3. First make a category targeting/asin targeting campaign.
  4. Then make a basic keyword targeting campaign. 
  5. Have the bid set at $1.00 to start. 
  6. Click Submit for Review. 

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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