Is There an Amazon Honeymoon Period, and How Do I Grow Sales Fast?

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

The Amazon Honeymoon Period

The honeymoon period on Amazon refers to a short window of time after a product is launched and was not created intentionally. It is, rather, a by-product of how their algorithm works – the same algorithm which helps customers find the most relevant products for their searches. Typically 15 – 30 days long, this period presents a massive opportunity to boost sales, get reviews, and promote a listing.

When Amazon Gives You Lemons 

Generally, to rank higher, sellers continuously optimize their listings by adding keywords in the title, description, and backend, using attractive images, and receiving positive reviews, amongst other things. Sales history is so critical that the odds of a successful launch without this “Honeymoon period” would be next to nothing. Amazon’s solution is to disregard sales history when ranking new products, allowing you to jump keyword rankings faster if, of course, you have the proper knowledge and first-rate execution.

Thrive as Your Listing Goes Live 

The clock begins ticking when your inventory reaches Amazon’s warehouse, and your product is ready for sale, so it’s critical to make a listing at the last moment possible and start selling merchant fulfilled on the same day as shipping to FBA. It’s important to note that this is a sophisticated strategy because most sellers don’t own a warehouse or have a 3PL allowing them the necessary flexibility. For example, if you’re shipping directly from China, as many sellers now do, this strategy won’t work unless you’re in a category that doesn’t require Amazon barcodes. In that instance, use UPC barcodes instead – best bought off eBay.

Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Because of the facts mentioned above, you should be absolutely ready with a marketing plan to generate traffic, sales, and reviews and have your listing perfectly optimized before your inventory is received at Amazon warehouses or before your listing goes live.

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“You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression” 

People and products may be more than their first impressions, but on Amazon, as in life, you won’t always get the opportunity to convince anybody otherwise. Ensure that your main image is striking because it is your opportunity to grab the attention of potential buyers and get them to click on your listing. Budget permitting, start running PPC ads immediately after a product launch. Find the most relevant keywords for your product and make sure these are words you have a fighting chance competing on. Include medium and low search volume keywords in your title, description, bullet points, and backend.

Renewing Your Vows

The second honeymoon is real, but it would be more accurately referred to as a new product launch. To get a second honeymoon on Amazon, sellers have to either relaunch or re-start their product listing. The only time it would be advisable to start from scratch and recreate a listing is if your review counts are below four stars. In numerology, four is significant in faith, nature, history, and superstition. On Amazon, it’s the threshold between potential success and the kiss of death. Anything less than a four-star rating will result in conversion rates tanking in biblical proportion.

Follow our Full Service Amazon Agency for more tips. If you’re interested in asking Amazon Experts for help, our Amazon Agency is ready to serve you.

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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