SEO – Amazon Master Class – 70 Min Steven Pope Video

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

Here are some best practices for better Amazon SEO

Fill out the form below to get our SEO Phase 1 Amazon SEO guide for free!

Free Best Practices SEO

Amazon has released a new Search Query report that gives you the ability to analyze keyword market share. This game-changing data set is now being used by My Amazon Guy for our newest release of SEO Phase 4. 

Watch Steven Pope Give a 70 Min Master Class on SEO

SEO Phase 2 has also been changed. Amazon decommissioned the Brand Analytics tool that showed Pink Words.

00:00 Amazon SEO [Complete 2022 Guide]

00:21 Phase 2 Pink Word update no longer exists

01:40 MAG SEO Course

02:23 How Amazon SEO Phases work

08:39 Amazon Brand Story

09:11  SEO is NOT set it and forget it

21:39 SEO Phase 1 is all about INDEXING

21:58 Search Term Field uses 250 BYTES and NOT CHARACTERS

27:57 MAG Free Product Review

33:34 SEO Phase 2 Pink Keyword Update does incremental ranking

48:34 You need to have 50 Keywords that are ranked 20 to 50

48:56 SEO Phase 3 focuses on organic rank 20 to 50

52:25 You can never have 2 variations show up in a search on the same keyword

53:33 Having the same keyword repeatedly is a good idea during SEO Phase 3 ONLY

54:57 Product Opportunity Explorer and Growth Opportunities

55:58 It’s 10 times easier to double your traffic than double your conversion rate

57:39 Amazon Search Terms report

57:50 You will need Helium 10 for all these SEO phases

58:01 The New SEO Phase 4 – Market Share

58:19 You now have the ability to rank based on intent

Amazon SEO Phase 1: Search Term Optimization

Optimize your back-end search terms for your listings on Amazon with Phase 1 of our Amazon SEO services. The process looks like this: 

Amazon SEO Phase 2: Copy and Pink Keyword Update

Optimize your backend search terms for your Amazon listings. Phase 2 of our SEO Service Offering includes:

Current nsn search terms for marketplace and seller central management.

Amazon SEO Phase 3 - Strike Zone Keywords

Optimize your back end search terms for your listings on Amazon

In our Phase 3 of 3 Service:

Amazon SEO Phase 4: Search Query Report

Market Share Indexing Phase

Increases market share for top ranking keywords determined by Amazon’s search query report, by inputting these exact match phrases into our SEO strategy. For mature listings already eligible for the phase 3 strikezone strategy.

3,000 Customers Served

10 Things to Focus on for Amazon SEO
Amazon Locked Title Best Practices To Avoid Lock
Case Study My Amazon Guy 50k Growth
Amazon Experts Amazon SEO Tips (4)

Amazon has released a new Search Query report that gives you the ability to analyze keyword market share. This game-changing data set is now being used by My Amazon Guy for our newest release of SEO Phase 4. 

Advanced Amazon SEO Course: Market Share

Learn how o increase your market share for top ranking keywords determined by Amazon’s search query report.

View the course in MAG School

We’re here to help. Book a coaching call today at

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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