Amazon Enhanced Brand Content – How to Build EBC on Amazon

Steven Pope - Amazon Expert

Amazon Enhanced Brand content (EBC) is the advanced product content option available for third-party sellers who use Seller Central to sell their products directly to consumers. To be eligible for EBC, you must have a professional seller account and be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry.

Enhanced brand content allows sellers to enhance their basic product descriptions with images and additional text. This content appears under the “Product description” heading on product pages. Enhanced content is the “From the Manufacturer” section on Amazon. It displays toward the bottom of the detail page of an ASIN.

Click here to learn how we can help you stand out from your competition and showcase your brand with Enhanced Brand Content on Amazon.

Enhanced content can help improve conversion rates, and branding.

Amazon - How to Build Enhanced Content using Brand Registry on Amazon

EBC is available only in Seller Central to add additional text & images to your product listings. Recently, Amazon integrated EBC with the A+ Content Creator that originally was only available in Vendor Central. Any content you add to your EBC will appear instead of the “Product Description” section that’s located below the main product details and above the product reviews.

My favorite examples of enhanced content are Qwest Chips and Crafthouse. Qwest Chips uses one of the templates Amazon provides, and they go well in depth. Crafthouse used a custom template and just loaded 3 banners. You can do anything you want with enhanced content, images and descriptions.

A website design for quest snacks that incorporates Amazon account management.
The smoking box - cocktail smoker available on Amazon.

How to build enhanced content:

  1. You need the brand registry for your brand. If you don’t have this, you file for it at – which requires a trademark that matches your brand letter for letter.
  2. To start enhanced content, it’s built product by product (sku by sku) in Seller Central When you go there type in the sku you want to do and it will load these templates to choose from:
A set of different layouts for an Amazon website.

Design tip: You can copy enhanced content from another sku.

3. Plug and play your assets, similar to how I explain in the storefront article and video.

4. Publish. It takes Amazon 3-4 days or so to accept your enhanced content.

There are many things to be aware of when making enhanced content. Do not include trademark symbols, your website information, or violate any typical Amazon T&C.

Hire a consultant today to help you get your brand registry and enhanced content live.

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Steven Pope, Founder

Hi I’m Steven, founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We growth hack ecommerce and marketplaces through PPC, SEO, design, and catalog management.

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